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About the Recipe

Banana - Banana is the best source for Vitamin B6, highly rich in manganese, potassium. Soluble & insoluble fibre of banana make it heart & GI friendly fruit. It's an instant energy booster and good for balancing hormones too.
Berry - Berry is an anti-aging and anti-inflammatory fruit, known for its antioxidant properties, Control hyperinsulinemia, it helps to lower dyslipidemia.


1 Cup coconut milk

1 Ripe banana, sliced

1 Cup strawberries

2-3 Pitted dates

1 Tbsp-soaked chia seeds

1 Tsp grated fresh ginger


Combine the coconut milk, banana, strawberries, chia seeds, and grated ginger in a blender and purée until smooth. Pour into a glass and serve immediately.

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