About the Recipe
Healthy Eating is not about calorie counting or cutting on food portions. It is about including right, positive, non-inflammatory foods in our diet.
💡 Switching to millets in place of polished white rice is one easy switch!
💡Foxtail Millet has the longest history of cultivation among millets in India, but today it might need an introduction to many of us.
💡It is one of the five positive millets
💡Gluten free, rich in dietary fibre, protein & healthy macros, this millet can be adapted in various Indian recipes. It is known as Kangni (Hindi), Navane (Kannada), Thinai (Tamil), Kang(Gujarati) & Rala (Marathi).
1 cup of foxtail millet
pinch of salt
🍽️ Soak it for 4 hours.
🍽️ Wash it thoroughly.
🍽️ Boil 3-4 cups of water for 1 cup of foxtail millet. Can add a pinch of salt.
🍽️ Drain any excess water.
And woa! Its ready to be eaten with dal or curry or sambhar!