Autism Recovery Program

A unique holistic approach for Neurodevelopmental Disorders such as Autism, ADHD, ADD, ASD, Global Developmental Delay, Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia & other related conditions.
Dr Ashwani Garg
Dr. Ashwani Garg is an esteemed medical doctor, practising Functional Medicine, a progressive approach that delves into the root causes of health conditions rather than simply addressing symptoms. His primary focus lies in the areas of Autism, Autoimmunity and Gut health.
Throughout recent years, Dr. Ashwani Garg has made a profound impact by positively transforming the lives of numerous children, helping them attain improved health and significant progress in recovering from autistic traits. Dr Ashwani Garg is well known for Autism Treatment in India.
As the visionary Co-Founder of the distinguished Functional Medicine Clinic, Dr. Garg has established a beacon of Functional Medical expertise, providing cutting-edge services and innovative treatments to his valued patients through comprehensive and personalized care. Through his exceptional work and tireless efforts, he continues to shape a brighter and healthier future for those he serves.
He is the Co-Founder of the prestigious Indian Association of Functional Medicine (IAFM), and plays a vital role in driving advancements in the field and fostering collaboration among like-minded practitioners and researchers.

When the health conditions and impairments that are associated with Autism are successfully identified and addressed,
their negative effects on cognitive and emotional function will be reduced.
In other words, those surface symptoms that are the basis of an autism diagnosis can potentially diminish, and child’s behaviour and functioning can improve.
While genetics may play a role in the development of ASD, it cannot completely explain its pathogenesis!!
Genetics alone doesn't explain the pervasive growth of Autism & Autism spectrum disorders at such staggering rates since human genetics remains the same as it was decades ago.
At the IAFMCON 2022, Dr Ashwani Garg shared his insights on the Epigenetic reasons behind the rise of Autism.
At the IAFMCON 2023,
Dr Ashwani Garg led the Autism panel to discuss
Practical Approach for Parents of an Autistic Child
The panel had experts from various fields of expertise in Autism

Dr Ashwani Garg | Epigenetics Factors Behind the Rising Number of Children with Autism | IAFMCON2022
Hard Facts about Autism
About 1 in 100 children in India under age 10 have at least one neurodevelopmental condition. The prevalence of the problem is exponentially growing but there is no evidence to prove that the human genome has changed in the last 100 years.
Is the most Common Developmental Disorder Affecting Children Today
Can become a Life-Long Disability For Most Individuals
Affects Approximately 1 in 100 children in India
Will Require Life-Long Care For Some
Strikes Boys Nearly 4 Times as Often as Girls
Symptoms Include Anti-Social Behaviour, Speech, Communication, Feeding Problems, Withholding Affection, Emotional Outbursts, Self-Injurious Behavior, And Developmental Problems.
Conventionally, there is no pill available to cure Autism because it is a multi-factorial problem.
If underlying Causes are corrected, Epigenetics is improved, Biology is upgraded, Mitochondria is augmented, children can show Good Recovery.

"Autism is a medical condition.
Stop fixing the brain symptoms only, rather start making your child's body healthy, so that the Autism symptoms
can regress."
--Dr Ashwani Garg
Understand Autism in a better way
How Do You "Get" Autism?
Autism's origin is complex and multifactorial, involving genetics, brain injury from inflammation, environmental chemical exposure, biochemical and metabolic disorders, nutritional imbalances, chronic infections, immune dysfunction, and heavy metal toxicity. Genetic causes alone cannot account for high Autism rates.
To address Autism effectively, a holistic approach is needed, considering how different organ systems' interactions impact brain development and lead to autism symptoms. Autism should be viewed as a systemic problem, investigating all contributing factors to find solutions.

How to "Diagnose" Autism?
The current conventional diagnosis of autism relies on observable symptoms, offering no understanding of its root causes. Research shows that autistic children experience more medical issues and abnormal biological findings than their typically developing peers.
Diagnostic biomarkers aid in evaluating underlying medical problems. Tests may include testing inflammation, nutrients, organ function, toxins, heavy metals in tissue (hair mineral testing) and blood, infections in blood and gut, gut microbiome testing, organic acid testing, presence/absence of specific microbes in stool among others.

Is Autism only a behavioural disorder?
Autism is not just a behavioral disorder but a systemic disease with significant social impacts. To understand it better, we must view it as a whole-system issue, analyzing abnormal interactions in various organ systems that affect brain development and lead to familiar autism symptoms. It is a systemic disease, but the most obvious effect is the social and behavioural, and so it tends to be associated with that.
Additionally, autism involves a pro-inflammatory state, wherein neuroinflammation can disrupt hormone and neurotransmitter levels, resulting in heightened fear responses, fluctuations in serotonin levels, and increased glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter).

Is Autism static & life-long?
In the past, it was commonly assumed that the symptoms of autism were hard-wired, static, and lifelong. However, recent research findings demonstrate that autism is, in many cases, a changing state.
Some individuals on the autism spectrum experience a decrease in symptoms or even full recovery, leading to the removal of the autism diagnosis. This challenges the idea that autism is static and lifelong, providing strong evidence that recovery is possible, even without complete normalization. It's important to highlight that without addressing underlying factors, the state of autism can also deteriorate over time.

Why does my child behave differently?
Most children with autism experience a common issue: a pro-inflammatory state, including neuroinflammation. This inflammation can directly impact hormone and neurotransmitter levels, leading to heightened fear responses, fluctuations in serotonin, and increased levels of glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter).
These physical changes can have adverse effects on behavior, cognitive function, sensory processing, responsiveness to the environment, and communication abilities.

Does my child REALLY have autism?
A diagnosis of autism is a summary of observed behaviors, which can be complicated by associations with anxiety, aggression, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit, hyperactivity, depression.
If you are questioning whether your child really has autism, it might be more important to ask yourself if your child struggles with issues beyond what should be considered the normal challenges children face and overcome as part of maturing.
Regardless of labels or meeting full diagnostic criteria, as a parent, your responsibility is to support your child's overall well-being—physical, emotional, social, and psychological health.

What are the possible reasons behind common behaviours seen in Autism ?
Hyperactivity/inability to focus can be the result of food intolerances or frank allergies, blood sugar imbalance, or chronic mouth breathing as related to allergic response.
Sudden onset aggression or staring off into space can be the result of seizure activity.
Stereotypical behaviour, covering of the ears, constant side-glancing, stimming or strong need for repetitive movement (swinging, spinning, dropping objects) can all indicate sensory integration disorder. This can be due to food intolerances, fungal & bacterial overgrowth in the gut.
Toe walking can be due to high oxalate load, constipation, yeast & fungal infection.
Speech delay can be due to Deficiency of essential fatty acid, B12, B9, B6, B1, Creatine, Carnitine, CoQ10, magnesium, iron, butyrate.
Developmental delay-Delay in gross and fine motor, socialization, cognitive and communication skills can be due to mitochondrial dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, immune dysfunction & deficiencies of minerals and vitamins.
Meltdowns/Aggression/Irritability can be due to chronic infections (Mold, Clostridia, Lyme, Strep), PANS or PANDAS, low blood sugar, elevated Ammonia, heavy metal toxicity.
Autism is
Multi-factor driven pathology, which demands Intergrated treatment
Physical issues faced by children with Autism
Gastrointestinal issues (Chronic constipation, diarrhea, bloating, GERD)
Not drinking enough water or excess water drinking -And the list is long!
Food Allergies,
Thyroid Disorders,
Skin: Eczema, vaginal and penile itching, patchy skin, brittle nails
As parents, we must ensure our child doesn't suffer from co-occurring issues due to their autism diagnosis.
Respiratory: Frequent respiratory tract infection, wheezing, asthma
Regression started after antibiotic or vaccination
Large tonsils/adenoids/swollen lymph nodes
Poor appetite or excessive eating.
Night sweats, teeth grinding
Autism is a
multi-organ system disorder, but current conventional treatment mainly focuses on the brain!

Can we solve Autism solely with Behavioral Therapy or Occupational Therapy?
Addressing Autism and related conditions requires a comprehensive solution that targets the root cause of the disease in each child.
The Autism Recovery Program introduces a new paradigm:
Autism is not solely inherited; environmental factors play a significant role in its occurrence.
Implementing dietary interventions, detoxification strategies, and other approaches can lead to improvements or even recovery.
This highlights the inseparable connection between personal health and environmental well-being.
The environment doesn't only exist outside;
it also resides within us.

What is Functional Medicine?
Functional Medicine is a systems biology approach that seeks to understand the root cause of illness.
It takes into consideration the interrelationship between the digestive, immune and other systems (which impact oxidative stress and detoxification problems) along with genetic factors, environmental toxicity, specific biochemical imbalances such as methylation defects and metabolic enzyme problems and neurochemistry issues. Functional Medicine is well suited towards helping the Autism-Spectrum community because of the well-established co-morbid problems that exist, including digestive issues, food sensitivities, neurological imbalances and immune system problems.
Functional Medicine is not the treatment for Autism.
Functional Medicine helps in creating the right conditions in the body of your child so that the body starts repairing and treating the underlying problems, thereby the manifestation (Autism) starts regressing.
Functional Medicine Clinic brings a unique approach for Neuro-developmental Disorders such as Autism, ADHD, ASD, Learning Disorders, Dyslexia, Global delay, Language delay & other related conditions.
Main Pillars of the Autism Recovery Program
Whole Body Approach
To achieve a healthy brain, we must prioritize overall body health. In our program, we meticulously gather comprehensive information about your child, including behavioral issues, to form a complete understanding. -We delve beyond symptoms, seeking the underlying causes to address the disorder at its root. -We examine factors influencing brain development and function. -Our investigation includes neuro-toxins, nutrition's impact on brain development, and the Gut-Brain Axis. -Identifying infections like candida, clostridia, and parasites is part of our process. -Cellular hydration holds key importance in our approach. -We focus on energy blockages.
One to one Consultation
A detailed consultation is scheduled with the assigned Functional Medicine Clinician to help you understand the root causes that are at play and the action plan.
Identifying the root causes
We use scientific methods to identify the underlying causes of your child's health issues: -Blood Test: Covers infections, organ function, vitamins and minerals, inflammation, heavy metals, and autoimmune markers. -Organic Acid Test: Assesses metabolic function, mitochondrial function, candida, clostridia, other infections, and hepatic detoxification. -Hair Mineral Toxin Assessment: Analyzes heavy metals and mineral ratios in tissues. -Stool analysis-Based on need, stool analysis also gives a detailed insight into the infections which may be at play.
Parental Education & Empowerment
Learning disorders are very complex problems involving multiple systems of the body. Our Autism Recovery Program is very comprehensive and requires meticulous efforts by parents to implement the program. This mandates participation of parents into the treatment. We can make elaborate programs but implementation has to happen through parents. So parent education and empowerment becomes utmost important. Once a parent understands the nuances of disease and solution, then it becomes easy for them to follow the program in a sustainable way till their child becomes healthy (9-12 months). Parents will have access to education sessions for their empowerment so that they are better equipped to support their child. Topics: - Role of Gut microbiome in child's health - Nutrition and lifestyle recommendations - Understanding the interpretation of tests - Strategies to improve mitochondrial health - Role of healthy water (Structured, alkaline, rich in electrons and hydrogen) - Strartegies to improve mitochondrial function - Die off reactions and ways to minimize the reactions - Role of pets at home to support your child - Scalar energy - Home based therapies
Addressing the root cause with clinically proven methods
We create personalized treatment plans for each child, targeting the underlying root causes. -Optimize nutrition to enhance brain development. -Implement the right GFCFSF diet. -Conduct deep cellular detoxification to remove toxins and heavy metals. -Eliminate chronic infections. -Improve cellular hydration. -Use red light therapy to enhance mitochondrial function. -Employ strategies for optimizing non-native Electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure. -Encourage connection with nature and grounding. -Provide precision supplementation for brain repair and nutrition. -Incorporate energy healing techniques.
Continuous Support
During the course of the program, your queries will be addressed which will support you in the implementation, helping you to make it smoother and sustainable. - WhatsApp support with the clinical team

Hear the heart touching journey of a mother of 12 year old with severe ADHD & Dyslexia
Here is a testimonial from Jenny, mother of Yash, a 12 year old child who was diagnosed with severe ADHD and learning difficulty (dyslexia). Today most of his problems are resolved and he is moving towards resolution of his diagnosis. Listen to Jenny as she shares her journey about her child’s treatment with Functional Medicine Clinic.

6.11 yrs, Male, Global Delay
Yawning and stinky fart has reduced totally, self talk has reduced significantly, expressive skills has increased, attention and focus has improved but not at par with his peers, dandruff and head sweating reduced drastically, relevant talking, awareness has improved. I would also like to share that since 3 weeks the Occupational therapist has been giving such good feedback for my kid. She told he is become very calm and settled and listening to all instructions and responding.
6.9 yrs, Male, Autism Spectrum Disorder
Under the guidance of Dr Ashwani Garg, when I switched to GFCF diet , water, red light therapy and with the personalised supplements, my son's behaviour had improved and also his speech had become more clear. His understanding also improved. Self- injurious behaviour and hurting others behaviour is less than before. Hope that he will do better in future. Thank you Dr. and FMC team for your guidance and support.
6.5 yrs, Male, ADHD & Speech Delay
I am taking guidance from the Functional Medicine team since March'21 for my son who is having Autism features. His age is now 6 years. With the guidance & suggestions by Dr. Ashwani Garg, many things like instruction follows, socialisation, Hyper activity, expression of some needs, speech, eye contacts have been significantly improved.
6.9 yrs, Male, Autism Spectrum Disorder
Expressive language is still lacking. In the past three months she surprised us by using two word sentences three times, even those words I never taught her before. She voluntarily plays with her brother. I am very happy for her improvement.

Process flow of the Autism Recovery Program

1. Once enrolment is complete,
a detailed evaluation form will be shared.

2. Post evaluation of the details submitted by you,
a set of tests will be recommended

3. Once test reports are received, a detailed personalized treatment plan will be shared with you.

4. Parents need to go through the plan. A detailed one to one consultation will be done with your assigned Functional Medicine Clinician to explain the analysis and address all your the queries,

5. Eight live interative sessions are done over zoom for parents. These are parent education sessions

6. You will be a part of a Whatsapp community for support and query addressal.

7. Reassessment is done before completion of 3 months, and if needed suggestions will be made based on quantification of improvements.

8. Post 3 months, you can opt for our continuity program for further support and optimization.